
CAD Blocks Explained
Create, edit and customize and organize your CAD blocks in BricsCAD.

Why BricsCAD?

Streamline your designs with CAD blocks

CAD blocks are groups of objects that function as a single 2D or 3D entity. Using blocks helps designers streamline their design process, maintain consistency and reuse and share content like drawing symbols, components and standard details. When multiple designers work on a project, CAD blocks help keep drawings uniform, maintain your organization's standards and reduce error.

Circle square and pencil icon

Custom blocks

Open book icon

Block library

Add block parameters icon

Add block parameters

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CAD Software to Suit Your Design Needs

BricsCAD allows experts to create more accurate design representations. CAD replaced manual design drafting, allowing better development, alteration, and optimization. BricsCAD enables engineers to craft more detailed designs and manipulate them virtually. CAD software calculates how multiple materials relate.

BricsCAD has designed the ultimate suite of tools to meet your design needs. From the earliest stages of 2D drafting to the finalized 3D models utilized for manufacturing or building, our robust set of products makes it easy to create a streamlined workflow.

What's in BricsCAD for You?

What are CAD blocks

What are CAD blocks?

CAD blocks are groups of objects that function as a single 2D or 3D entity, allowing users to remove repetitive tasks, maintain design consistency, and decrease file sizes. Designers use CAD blocks for repeated geometry, to enhance productivity and streamline the design process, as they can reuse and share content like drawing symbols and components easily. Another reason CAD blocks are handy for designers is that they help to keep drawings uniform so that it's easier to maintain standards across the board while reducing the margin for error in a model or drawing. CAD blocks contain metadata called block attributes, which are useful in helping CAD users create reports, schedules and bills of materials. By using CAD blocks, designers can increase their accuracy and efficiency and make collaboration between design teams smoother.

Organizing your CAD block library

Organizing your CAD block library is essential in enhancing your workflow and ensuring easy access to the blocks you need while designing. Here are some steps you can take to organize your CAD block library effectively:

  • Categorizing your CAD blocks will help you locate specific blocks quickly. Categorize blocks based on their function or application, such as electrical symbols, architectural elements, or mechanical components.

  • Naming conventions help you identify different blocks at first glance. Make block names descriptive and concise and include relevant details like part numbers or project identifiers.

  • Use container files to group related blocks into single drawing files. Quick access to related blocks will reduce overall clutter and streamline your navigation.

  • Update your CAD block library regularly to maintain its relevancy and efficiency. This will keep your design experience smooth and productive, allowing users to access the most up-to-date elements without delay.

Organizing your CAD block library
Custom CAD blocks

Custom CAD blocks

"Create custom CAD blocks easily in BricsCAD. To make a block, start by drawing the block geometry. Then, use the BLOCK command to define the block, select the entities and pick an insertion point. Use the BLOCKIFY command to automatically detect duplicate collections of entities and convert them into blocks.

Do you need more advanced functionality? Add parameters to blocks to turn them into Parametric Blocks, which allow for dynamic modifications and visibility states. You can edit the block parameters with the BEDIT command. To convert AutoCAD® Dynamic Blocks to BricsCAD Parametric Blocks, use the BLOCKCONVERT command.

Once you have created your custom blocks, save them in your block library for easy access. Mastering your CAD blocks’ creation, management, and organization will help you streamline your design process, reduce repetitive tasks and ensure consistency across your organization’s designs. "


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Get the Facts

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use blocks created in AutoCAD® in BricsCAD?

Yes, you can use AutoCAD® blocks in BricsCAD. You can insert these blocks using the INSERT command or by opening the .dwg file directly in BricsCAD.

What license level is required to create parametric blocks in BricsCAD?

You can create, edit and use 2D parametric blocks in BricsCAD Lite. To use 3D parametric blocks or the PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY command, you need a BricsCAD Pro license or higher.

How do parametric blocks in BricsCAD differ from AutoCAD® dynamic blocks?

BricsCAD parametric blocks focus entirely on parameters, allowing users to define a block once and reuse it multiple times in various sizes and orientations.

Can I convert AutoCAD® dynamic blocks to BricsCAD parametric blocks?

Yes! BricsCAD V23 introduced the BLOCKCONVERT command, which converts dynamic blocks to BricsCAD's parametric blocks. This command can reconstruct dynamic block features into parametric block features.

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