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Clean Slate - BricsCAD Factory Default - Tuesday Tips

By Rose Barfield 3 分鐘 2020年10月19日
Clean Slate - BricsCAD Factory Default - Tuesday Tips

Whilst it is great to be able to customize BricsCAD to your heart's content. Sometimes you might simply want to do a hard reset and revert back to BricsCAD's factory default settings.

Restore BricsCAD Settings to Factory Default

In the settings menu, any setting that has been changed from the factory default will be colored blue.

To revert back to default:

  1. Right-click on the setting that has been changed.
  2. Select "Restore default value".

Clean Slate - BricsCAD Factory Default- restore-to-default-768x620

Default BricsCAD Workspaces

If you've had enough of your custom BricsCAD workspace you can do a "factory reset" and go back to BricsCAD default settings.

To return to BricsCAD default workspaces:

  1. Open the Customize dialog box. Right-click outside the drawing area and select Customize... from the drop-down menu.Clean Slate - BricsCAD Factory Default- Customize workspace-800x465
  2. Select the Workspaces tab.
  3. Click Manage your customizations...
  4. Click Revert to defaults. Clean Slate - BricsCAD Factory Default- revert workspaces-768x703
  5. You might need to restart BricsCAD.

Restore BricsCAD version

If you were testing BricsCAD versions using the RunAsLevel command, you might want to go back to BricsCAD Ultimate.

To unlock all the features of BricsCAD Ultimate:

  1. Enter RunAsLevel into the Command line. The following text will appear:
    Change license level for product BricsCAD/Communicator BricsCAD:
  2. Choose BricsCAD. The following text will appear:
    Run BricsCAD as Classic/Pro/PLatinum/Bim/Mechanical/Ultimate Ultimate:
  3. Choose Ultimate.
  4. Restart BricsCAD to apply the changes.

You will now be able to use BricsCAD at the selected license level.

Note: You will only be able to access the BricsCAD Ultimate if you are on the free, 30-day trial, or if you have a valid license.

More Tips:

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Rose Barfield

Rose Barfield - CAD User Experience & Interface Design Specialist

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