
Engineering Production Materials made Easy with BricsCAD® Mechanical V24

Assembly technicians require a thorough set of production materials to complete their jobs efficiently. It's also imperative that the creation of these materials be as straightforward as possible to ensure everyone, from engineers to technical illustrators, can play their part efficiently and accurately. With BricsCAD® Mechanical V24, generating these materials is simple.

Reverse Engineering with BricsCAD Mechanical V24

In the rapidly evolving field of mechanical design and manufacturing, staying ahead means adopting tools that simplify and enhance the design process. BricsCAD Mechanical V24 emerges as a game-changer in this respect, particularly with its cutting-edge Reverse Engineering capabilities. This blog delves into how BricsCAD Mechanical V24 is enhancing the design process by making the complex simple and the impossible, possible.

5 Reasons why you need BricsCAD® Lite

Your choice of CAD software significantly impacts your design process, productivity, and, ultimately, the success of your projects. If you're in the market for robust yet intuitive 2D CAD software, look no further than BricsCAD® Lite! Here are five reasons to choose BricsCAD® Lite for your 2D drafting and design projects.

What's New in BricsCAD® Mechanical V24.2?

BricsCAD® Mechanical V24.2 is here, helping manufacturers of all sizes fast-track their way to complete and accurate production materials. In the latest BricsCAD release, we've honed in on two crucial areas: workflow compatibility with other CAD software like AutoCAD® Mechanical and simplifying the assembly inspection and instruction capabilities. So, let's explore what's new!

探索 BricsCAD ®的操控器

BricsCAD ®中的操控器是一款多功能工具,可讓您快速移動、旋轉、縮放和鏡射選取的物件,從而節省時間和點擊次數。讓我們深入了解如何充分利用操控器的潛力!

Engineering Production Materials made Easy with BricsCAD® Mechanical V24

Assembly technicians require a thorough set of production materials to complete their jobs efficiently. It's also imperative that the creation of these materials be as straightforward as possible to ensure everyone, from engineers to technical illustrators, can play their part efficiently and accurately. With BricsCAD® Mechanical V24, generating these materials is simple.

Reverse Engineering with BricsCAD Mechanical V24

In the rapidly evolving field of mechanical design and manufacturing, staying ahead means adopting tools that simplify and enhance the design process. BricsCAD Mechanical V24 emerges as a game-changer in this respect, particularly with its cutting-edge Reverse Engineering capabilities. This blog delves into how BricsCAD Mechanical V24 is enhancing the design process by making the complex simple and the impossible, possible.

5 Reasons why you need BricsCAD® Lite

Your choice of CAD software significantly impacts your design process, productivity, and, ultimately, the success of your projects. If you're in the market for robust yet intuitive 2D CAD software, look no further than BricsCAD® Lite! Here are five reasons to choose BricsCAD® Lite for your 2D drafting and design projects.

What's New in BricsCAD® Mechanical V24.2?

BricsCAD® Mechanical V24.2 is here, helping manufacturers of all sizes fast-track their way to complete and accurate production materials. In the latest BricsCAD release, we've honed in on two crucial areas: workflow compatibility with other CAD software like AutoCAD® Mechanical and simplifying the assembly inspection and instruction capabilities. So, let's explore what's new!

設定 CDE 的 6 個提示

如果您正在管理一個有不同利害關係人參與的大型專案,您就會知道無縫協作是成功的關鍵。管理施工文件最簡單的方法之一就是使用 Bricsys® 24/7 這樣的通用資料環境 (CDE)。

BricsCAD® 入門:安裝指南

如果您想知道如何安裝 BricsCAD – 請不要猶豫!安裝 BricsCAD 非常簡單;無論您下載的是最新的 BricsCAD 版本還是舊版本,本博客都將指導您完成安裝過程,包括互動式安裝和無訊息安裝選項。

開始使用 BricsCAD®:試用和授權選項

您是否正在考慮使用 BricsCAD? 那麼,您可能想知道選擇 BricsCAD 時有哪些授權選項。您可以利用 30 天免費試用期試用 BricsCAD 及其各種版本,以決定哪個版本最適合您的需求。購買 BricsCAD 時,您可以從我們靈活的授權選項中進行選擇。讓我們來看看不同的授權選項!

哪種 BricsCAD® 適合您?

如果您正在考慮 BricsCAD®,您可能想知道 — 哪種 BricsCAD 適合我?有五個 BricsCAD 版本,因此您可以選擇最適合您需求的 BricsCAD。 無論您使用2D、3D或二者兼用,BricsCAD 都能滿足您的需求。BricsCAD® Lite、BricsCAD® Pro、BricsCAD® BIM、BricsCAD® 機械 或 BricsCAD® 終極版 可供選擇。讓我們來看看各種 BricsCAD 產品等級!

BricsCAD® V24 的新功能

歡迎使用 BricsCAD® V24!毫不妥協的專業 CAD。 此版本包含大量新功能和更新,使學習、使用和採用 BricsCAD 變得更加容易。讓我們來看看 BricsCAD V24 的新功能!

使用 BricsCAD® 將 PDF 轉換為 DWG 檔

您可以在 BricsCAD® 中快速輕鬆地將 PDF 檔轉換為 DWG 檔。當您將 PDF 轉換為 DWG 檔時,BricsCAD® 會將直線轉換為聚合線,true type 字型轉換為多行文字,填充實體轉換為填充線,從而為您提供一個工作圖檔代替 PDF!具體方法如下!

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