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On-site document management made easy with Bricsys® 24/7 & LB Aproplan

By The Bricsys Team 4 min 2024년 11월 6일
document management in construction

Document Management in Construction

The construction industry faces several challenges regarding document management. To deliver projects on time and within budget, project managers must easily maintain document version control, manage user access to documents, and streamline approval processes. Poor document management inevitably leads to complications, delays, efficiency loss and increased costs down the line.

add documentation LB Aproplan (1)

Alongside document management, review processes are a challenge construction professionals contend with. Ensuring all stakeholders are aligned with any issues, required updates, or changes is vital for running a project efficiently.With Bricsys 24/7 and LB Aproplan, users can add images, comments and statuses to documents, raising the flag on any problems so that everyone is on the same page since all information is accessible in real-time!

User Access and Role Management

Bricsys 24/7 has precise user access management. Users can see documents and other features of the platform based on their role. Administrators can assign access rights to users and manage folder synchronization. You must be an administrator to activate synchronization between Bricsys 24/7 and AproPlan, ensuring controlled document access. Both platforms allow users to manage visibility and access rights, ensuring relevant team members can access specific documents.

Synchronize Project Data Seamlessly

efficient document management

To run a project efficiently, you need organized data, and a highlight of this integration is how effortless it makes aligning project data between the two platforms. When you synchronize the two, the integration ensures that the information available in LB Aproplan accurately reflects the data in Bricsys 24/7—in real-time. It also offers transparency with document versioning and audit trails while maintaining complete control over which documents and folders you want to synchronize.

This centralized approach to document management, working from a “single source of truth,” enhances the accuracy and accessibility of critical project data so teams can focus more on implementation and less on administration.

Enhanced Collaboration

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Any construction project involves multiple stakeholders, so effective collaboration ensures its success. Integrating Bricsys 24/7 and LB Aproplan makes collaboration easy by optimizing the design review process and fostering communication and collaboration between designers and project stakeholders. Enhanced collaboration means the project team is aligned and clarifies any potential issues early. Design changes or details are instantly shared, so everyone involved is always up-to-date with the latest updates, streamlining project management.

Better Decision-Making Processes and Risk Mitigation

LB add status (1)

The increased visibility of project documentation and data within a single, unified platform gives project managers a panoramic view of the project. This insight is instrumental for risk management, decision-making processes, and tracking a project’s trajectory. Accurate, real-time documentation and transparent reporting empower project leaders to make timely, informed decisions. Early detection of potential issues allows the team to proactively develop strategies to tackle them, reducing risk and preventing minor issues from escalating into major problems.

Maximizing ROI with Streamlined On-Site Operations

Construction projects require substantial time, money, and material resources. Integrating LB Aproplan with Bricsys 24/7 maximizes returns on these resources by streamlining on-site operations. Real-time access to project documents and reviews minimizes downtime and increases efficiency. This enables more productive use of labour and materials and significantly reduces the cost of rework. For construction project managers seeking a solution to improve delivery timelines, promote agile communication and ensure each team member is on the same page, this integration between Bricsys 24/7 and LB Aproplan is ideal.

Learn more about LB Aproplan.

Learn more about Bricsys 24/7.

Watch the webinar (available in Dutch or French) on the Bricsys YouTube channel!

2024년 11월 6일 4 min

On-site document management made easy with Bricsys® 24/7 & LB Aproplan

The construction industry faces several challenges regarding document management. To deliver projects on time and within budget, project managers must easily maintain document version control, manage user access to documents, and streamline approval processes. Poor document management inevitably leads to complications, delays, efficiency loss and increased costs down the line.

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브릭시스는 전문 측량 및 토목 앱 개발자가 BricsCAD 사용자에게 강력하고 효율적인 워크플로우를 제공하는 전문 토목 및 측량 도구를 개발할 수 있도록 탄탄한 기반을 제공합니다. 다양한 개발자 파트너가 BricsCAD V24의 토목 및 측량 워크플로우를 보완하기 위해 어떤 업데이트와 개선 사항을 적용했는지 살펴보세요.

이러한 토목 및 측량 애플리케이션은 BricsCAD에서 지원하는 여러 타사 애플리케이션 중 하나이며, 개발자들은 기능을 개선하고 매 릴리스마다 도입되는 새로운 기능에 발맞추기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

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