
One license for Planet Earth.
Your licenses, your way, your choice.

Flexible licensing

Bricsys offers single, volume and network licenses. You can buy them (perpetual) or rent them (subscription).

No Named-user

BricsCAD licenses are linked to the company that owns them, not to an individual user.

Perpetual with Maintenance

Bricsys offers a Maintenance program to keep your perpetual software licenses up-to-date.

Network Multi-user

BricsCAD network licenses can float across a corporate network, covering both dedicated and casual users.

Easy to learn, easy to switch

Your custom assets are where the work saving productivity reside … especially for your users. By supporting these formats we allow you to bring your workflows into BricsCAD directly with little to no effort.


If you can use AutoCAD®, you can use BricsCAD®

Compatibility means learnability. Familiarity means things are where you’d expect so muscle memory kicks in and BricsCAD is simply easy to use.

Command compatible
Menu (.CUI) compatible
Macro/Script compatible
Full Visual LISP API
Source code compatible with the AutoCAD ARX programming language
AutoCAD® 2024 compatible

Supported file formats

Your custom assets are where the work-saving productivity resides … especially for your users. By supporting these formats, we allow you to bring your workflows into BricsCAD directly with little to no effort.


Ribbons and Menus


Tool palettes


Lisp, VB/.NET


Sheet sets




Plotters, Page setups