Bricsys is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of BricsCAD Shape! BricsCAD Shape is our free 3D modeler for everyone. That's right, it's still completely free! This year BricsCAD Shape has been extended to include some new features that make BricsCAD Shape the best free, solid modeling software available. BricsCAD Shape is built on the same platform as BricsCADBricsCAD BIM and BricsCAD Mechanical. So you can learn 3D modeling with BricsCAD Shape and then use the skills you've acquired in Shape to move to BricsCAD BIM.

What's new for BricsCAD Shape?


What’s new for BricsCAD Shape- quickdraw

Quickdraw your layouts

You've read all about Quickdraw for BricsCAD BIM, well, you can now use Quickdraw in BricsCAD shape! The only difference is that you can't duplicate layouts -- you can only do that in BricsCAD BIM. Quickly draw and create buildings and rooms, as easily as playing a computer game (who doesn't love The Sims?). It snaps to existing wall segments and creates wall connections automatically. Try it, it's super fun.


What’s new for BricsCAD Shape- matterials

Add materials with drag and drop

Drag-and-drop render materials from the Material Browser onto the desired entity face. Holding CTRL while dropping the material will assign the material to the entire solid. Set a duplicate material by hitting ALT whilst clicking a solid face that already has the assigned material you want. To assign the same material to multiple entities at the same time, pre-select the entities and then, drag and drop the materials.


What’s new for BricsCAD Shape- components

Create your own components with the new and improved components panel

You can now create your own components and add them to your library. Create components from a selection set or whole drawing. Simply click Create component in the Components panel.  It's really that easy. Create it once and use again and again. .dwg drawings that were created with other applications and opened in BricsCAD Shape can also be converted into components. BricsCAD Shape now comes with loads more components as standard, so you might not even need to make your own.

Component categories are no longer displayed in a separate dropdown menu and are now shown as icons on the panel. Plus, components and their category names are now translatable!


You can now export models created in Shape to FBX, STL, DAE, WMF or BMP. Which means that rendering and 3D printing the models you've created with BricsCAD Shape is now a real possibility!

Get started with BricsCAD Shape free

Download BricsCAD shape for free at Start designing today, no subscription, no hidden fees. That's BricsCAD Shape.

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