
BIM TipsBIM BricsCAD BIM2D 팁3D 팁

BricsCAD BIM에서 BIMIFY를 사용하는 방법

By Rose Barfield 2 min 2023년 1월 23일

What if I told you that you could generate section and elevation views and add BIM data to a 3D model, all with a single click? Don’t believe me? Then try BIMIFY for yourself!

bimify short

What is BIMIFY?

BIMIFY analyzes the model, automatically classifies building elements, assigns spatial locations, and creates new buildings, stories, and spaces. Optionally, it also makes plan sections and elevations. All with a single click!

How do I use BIMIFY in BricsCAD?

To use BIMIFY:

bimify model

Start with a drawing that contains a 3D model of a building.


bimify command panel

In the command panel, set which entities are classified and how.

Click Apply

Yes, it is that easy.

What license level do I need to access the BIMIFY command?

You will need BricsCAD BIM or higher to access the BIMIFY command.

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Have you tried the BIMIFY command and have any ideas or suggestions?

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Rose Barfield

by Rose Barfield - CAD User Experience & Interface Design Specialist

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