
  • Ponterosso Comart S.p.a

BricsCAD® Pro’s high-performing 2D/3D CAD reduces engineering development time at Ponterosso Comart

Ponterosso Comart migrated easily to the high-performing, familiar 2D/3D DWG CAD in one week. Their design engineers quickly discovered BricsCAD® Pro’s intuitive tools and commands added speed to their engineering workflows.

3D CAD modeling for industrial plant design

Ponterosso Comart is a leading engineering and EPC company serving Italy's oil and gas, energy, and infrastructure sectors. To engineer, design, and supply turnkey and modularized systems for industrial plants, Ponterosso Comart’s design engineers require a robust and customizable 2D/3D DWG CAD to run their third-party app.

The Challenge

Ponterosso Comart’s team began to search for an upgrade to their legacy-CAD solution with two objectives: add high performance to 2D and 3D workflows and improve licensing value to the business.

Design engineers and purchasing managers would agree on their common challenges: innovation on legacy CAD for 2D workflows has stalled while licensing cost surge.

The Solution

Working with their CAD solution partner EmiCAD, Ponterosso Comart identified BricsCAD Pro’s interoperability, speed, and exceptional value as the best fit for their engineering design workflows.

Seamless Interoperability
Mr. Davide Vinci, 3D Model Engineer and Data Management/Senior Piping Specialist, outlined their workflows:

“I use BricsCAD for both applications - 2D BricsCAD for making different modifications such as in piping and instrumentation design or generic 2D drawings.”


Davide continued, “And I use 3D BricsCAD to dress up isometric views, for designing line modeling and various 3D models of objects.”


Open API supports productivity gains
For some workflow tasks, Ponterosso Comart runs a third-party application, and Davide highlights the improved performance on BricsCAD:

“I use the third-party app ESAin by ESApro. This is used, above all, to simplify and speed up the workflow in the mechanical field, such as with modeling, the extraction of material lists, isometrics, etc. This application works faster on BricsCAD.”


Simple migration to BricsCAD
The process of switching to BricsCAD was easy and quick. Davide said they “managed to be up and running immediately" thanks to a “very intuitive installation and configuration process.”

This was made easier with EmiCAD’s assistance. Davide describes EmiCAD's professionals as “competent in solving my difficulties and promptly implementing my requests.”

Recalling the one-week transition it took their design engineers, Davide confirmed:

“After a short period of adaptation, the transition to BricsCAD did not have any major difficulties. … Same friendly environment and workspace; very few differences due to similar commands.”

Intuitive tools, better drawing management
Immediately, Ponterosso Comart’s designers noticed improvements in their workflows with intuitive tools. Davide explained:

“Using BricsCAD, I noticed more immediate operations in the management of a drawing compared to competitors, for example, the MANIPULATE command. This allows you to quickly modify any entity or object within your drawing and from a 360° perspective. You also get the ability to completely and immediately manage your drawing’s dimensions.”

Significantly faster design processes
With BricsCAD Pro up and running quickly, and before using all BricsCAD’s features, Ponterosso Comart discovered the productivity gains. Davide pointed to the “lightness and speed of opening of the individual designs,” delivering “approximately 20% improvement on productivity.”

Decision-making behind the switch to BricsCAD Pro
When discussing the major factors influencing the decision to choose BricsCAD, Davide highlighted the “cost reduction for a single company license compared to competitors.”

And beyond the improved margins, Davide indicated the enhanced productivity and capability have led to “more customer satisfaction due to time-saving saving on (the) overall engineering process.”


30 day trial

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in BricsCAD today!