2D Drafting

5 Tips to make your CAD files faster

By Rose Barfield 3 min April 12, 2019
5 Tips to make your CAD files faster

Is your CAD system lagging? Leverage BricsCAD Machine Intelligence to make your CAD faster and smarter, and speed up your workflow. There is a way to reduce dwg file size, without losing information, and without spending hours deleting, re-inserting, and manually tidying up your drawings.

  1. Reduce dwg file size
  2. Blockify
  3. Tidy it up
  4. Convert to .dwg
  5. Underlays

1 Reduce dwg file size

So, here's the situation, you've just been given a .dwg file. It's huge. It's taking up all the space on your hard drive. It's too large to send via email. And when you open it, your computer comes to a screeching halt, now you're searching for a solution. The good news? You've come to the right place!

5 Tips to make your CAD files faster- reducefilesize-1024x392

2 Blockify

Use Blockfiy to automatically detect and convert repeated geometry to Block Definitions.

One of the simplest ways of reducing file sizes is creating block definitions. Unfortunately, actively looking around a drawing and replacing the jumble of geometry with a block definition is slow and laborious. Not with Blockify!

Blockify would mean I could do my job 10x faster --  Steven Gray, Interbuild nv

Blockify brings you the fastest and simplest way of converting a drawing to block definitions. Just watch the video below to see how Blockify can automatically search through a drawing to find similar geometry and convert it into block definitions in just a few clicks. Reducing the file size from 11.48 MB to just 2.37 MB!

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3 Tidy it up

Sometimes a little housekeeping is in order to reduce your file size. BricsCAD brings you some terrific tools to clean up your drawings.

If you have a 3D model, there is a good chance you have redundant 2D geometry left from the creation of the model. Use the Structure panel to isolate and delete this geometry.

Use the 5 Tips to make your CAD files faster- purge PU(PURGE) to automatically locate and remove unused named entities from drawings, including groups, line types, and block definitions.

We all have a tendency to duplicate lines and object by accident use OVERKILL to tidy up any overlapping lines, arcs, and polylines, and unify partly overlapping or contiguous ones.

4 Convert to .dwg

Want to know why we love .dwg? Because it works of course! Sometimes all you need to do to a drawing is save it to .dwg and you can reduce the file size. I opened up a .stp file in BricsCAD. It was 16.3 MB and took BricsCAD 1:47 min to open it. I then saved as .dwg, I did NOTHING else, the file size was reduced to 5.57 MB, and took BricsCAD only 10 seconds to open! The best part? I lost no data!

5 Underlays

Sometimes large and complex underlays can slow down a drawing. Performance for PDF underlays in BricsCAD means an improved loading speed. When zooming the image is momentarily blurred, but you can still continue working!

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Rose Barfield

by Rose Barfield - CAD User Experience & Interface Design Specialist

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Rose is responsible for taking user feedback and improving the BricsCAD product. Before coming to BricsCAD, she was a CAD user and worked in the Automotive, Aerospace, and Defense industries as a Technical Illustrator. She loves finding out how things work, taking them apart, and (hopefully) putting them back together again.

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