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New for BricsCAD V23 – Interface Settings

Autorius Rose Barfield 2 min. 2022 m. lapkričio 4 d.
BricsCAD V23 What’s New

Make BricsCAD V23 your own

The Interface Settings dialog is new in BricsCAD Version 23. Designed to help you make BricsCAD your own. It makes simple customizations, such as changing the color theme or panel docking system, a sinch.

Interface Settings dialog

What is the Interface Settings dialog?

The Interface Settings dialog is new for V23. It gives you the option to switch between different workspaces: Toolbars, Classic and Modern (new for V23); the color theme; the panel docking system; and gives you controls for the Status Bar, Command line and Menu Bar visibility.

Why did we implement this?

One of the best things about BricsCAD is that it’s highly customizable. However, the Settings dialog can at time, feel a little overwhelming, especially if you’re new to BricsCAD.

To improve the user experience, we moved some of the most frequently used settings into a dedicated “quick start” dialog. We believe this will make getting set-up and running with BricsCAD V23 easier than ever.

Where can I find the Interface Settings dialog?

At the top of each workspace, you’ll find the Access toolbar. At the end of the toolbar, you’ll see some blue letters: Interface Settings. Click this to open the dialog.

Keep an eye out for more blogs on ‘New for BricsCAD V23’.

‘I’ve tested the Interface Settings dialog and I have ideas and suggestions, what do I do?’

We love to hear your thoughts on BricsCAD. The best way to tell us what you think is to send a support request, and our support team will be happy to help.

Bricsys Digital Summit: Explore the highlights and hear about the innovations to help you Build Better

Did you see the Bricsys Digital Summit 2022? Catch up on-demand

The Bricsys Digital Summit 2022 is now on-demand. Catch up on all the latest innovative tools in BricsCAD V23 and advances in cloud-connectivity within Bricsys 24/7. See our speakers, live demos and break-out sessions. And find out how you can build better with Bricsys.

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Why not find out the BricsCAD difference for yourself? Download your free trial today.

Rose Barfield

nuo Rose Barfield - CAD User Experience & Interface Design Specialist

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