Since BricsCAD V21, we've added plenty of new, enhanced and unique features to each BricsCAD edition, so whether you're an engineer, manufacturer, surveyor or designer - we've got you covered.

Simpler, faster, easier CAD with BricsCAD Lite and BricsCAD Pro V25

Parametrics Blocks - Unique to BricsCAD - NEW

Parametric blocks BricsCAD

Since BricsCAD V21, we created Parametric Blocks to offer a better alternative to Dynamic Blocks. You can use BricsCAD's Parametric Blocks in both 2D and 3D environments. Once you have defined a block's geometry, you can duplicate and reuse it in multiple sizes, visibility states, and orientations.

MOVEGUIDED - Unique to BricsCAD - NEW

BricsCAD lets you move details from one location to another with less fuss, thanks to the MOVEGUIDED command. Select a detail in context and move it to a similar location. BricsCAD automates snapping and orientating the object using guides and intelligently fixes the geometry at the chosen insertion point to match. There is no need to worry about gaps; the command heals them automatically and perfectly regenerates hatches.


The SIMPLIFY command does precisely that — it simplifies your BricsCAD geometry! Use it to drastically reduce the number of unnecessary vertices in polylines and hatch boundaries without changing the shape, making your BricsCAD experience faster and more efficient.


Optimize command, BricsCAD

Optimize your drawings quickly to ensure they perform just as intended. Use the OPTIMIZE command to heal 2D drawing errors - such as lines that are not completely orthographic, or fill in gaps so that lines join perfectly. You can also adjust tolerance values and validate them with a live preview.

Performance - ENHANCED

BricsCAD V21 was good, but BricsCAD V25's performance is even better! With enhanced performance, you can open large drawings faster. XRefs now load in the background, and we applied multi-threading to optimize performance.

Import/Export - ENHANCED

Export To DGN PRC 3D PDF in BricsCAD

Enhanced import and export functions make it easier than ever before to share files, including exporting to 3D PDF, DGN, and PRC.

Sheet metal, piping and drafting made easier in BricsCAD Mechanical V25

Animation -NEW

You can now animate exploded representations of your design via the Animation Panel, which gives you a better idea of how your design would function in real life.

Sheet Metal - ENHANCED

Sheet metal BricsCAD

We've added 8 new and enhanced commands to make sheet metal workflows easier than ever.

2D Drafting - ENHANCED

BricsCAD Mechanical Break down drawing views

We've enhanced the way you create 2D documents, including break-down drawing views and importing proxy objects for editing.


Advanced BOM Manager

Enhanced BOM Manager lets you browse, create and edit bills of materials (BOMs) in the current drawing that can be used as a template and reused in future drawings. Since BricsCAD V21, we've enhanced this panel with features like custom columns, advanced column filters, aggregation by parameter, and much more.


BricsCAD Mechanical standard parts for piping

In BricsCAD V21, the BMINSERT command lets you insert sheet metal form features and components into your current drawing. In BricsCAD V25, with the new Smart Insert mode, the command works in line with pipe design features.

Interoperability and versatility for civil and survey users in BricsCAD Pro V25


Civil 3D Import

BricsCAD keeps improving interoperability. In BricsCAD V25, you can create multiple civil entities from an external Autodesk® Civil 3D drawing in one operation.

GRADINGBALANCE - Unique to BricsCAD - Enhanced

Grading balance in BricsCAD for civil design

This unique to BricsCAD command helps you calculate and execute the optimal position of a new building project, balancing the cut and fill volumes of your TIN grading.

Alignments - ENHANCED

What s New for Civil Design in BricsCAD V21- 3D-Alignment

Civil designers can now benefit from the great improvements we've made to ESnaps. You can use Endpoint, Midpoint and Nearest ESnaps on horizontal and vertical alignments - plus, Perpendicular ESnaps now also work on horizontal alignments!

Corridors - ENHANCED

Corridors in BricsCAD

Corridors are more versatile in BricsCAD V25. You can now use corridors to model linear infrastructures like roads, railways, retaining walls, bridges, and more.


We enhanced interoperability with LandXML to support new alignment curves, Spiral-Curve-Spiral combinations, and parabolas.

Create, detail and visualize with BricsCAD BIM V25

Integration with Twinmotion - NEW

Twinmotion BricsCAD

BricsCAD BIM's integration with Twinmotion allows you to create richly detailed, captivating environments, such as high-quality images, panoramas, and videos from BIM and CAD models.

Import from RVT – NEW

In BricsCAD V25, you can easily import geometry from Autodesk® Revit®, facilitating collaborative workflows.


Another unique to BricsCAD feature! This command lets you convert a solid massing model into a conceptual design model with walls, slabs, and spatial elements.

BIMIFY - Unique to BricsCAD - NEW


BIMIFY analyzes your model and generates automatic classification and spatial location assignments for the whole model. You can create new buildings or stories if necessary, and it includes the option to create plan sections and elevations.

PROPAGATE - Unique to BricsCAD - NEW

Propagate BricsCAD

This command removes a lot of monotony from your BIM workflows. Model once, and automatically copy the details across your entire BIM.

AUTOMATCH - Unique to BricsCAD - NEW

AutoMatch BricsCAD

Work with multiple entities more efficiently and use the AUTOMATCH command to automatically match and complete BIM information across numerous entities.

Get up to Speed with BricsCAD® V25 and save up to 60%!

Are you ready to upgrade to the latest version of BricsCAD? Well, we have some good news for you. With our current promotion, you can save up to 60% on your BricsCAD® V25 upgrade. Take advantage and enjoy all new and enhanced features we've added over BricsCAD's development! Learn more about upgrading to BricsCAD V25 here.