
Document Management

Embracing Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry with Bricsys 24/7®

By The Bricsys Team 4 min 9 September 2024
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The construction industry continually evolves, and digital transformation is reshaping how teams manage projects, communicate, and handle project documentation. When embracing digital solutions for construction projects, a common data environment (CDE) like Bricsys 24/7 is an excellent place to start. With a significant variance in the level of digital adoption across the industry, embracing and leveraging digital tools can help firms differentiate themselves by elevating operational efficiency and improving project outcomes.

Approaching Digital Adoption

Encouraging the adoption of digital documentation management is a key issue for many of our Bricsys 24/7 users. As many construction professionals are used to working solely via e-mail or paper documentation, some may need convincing to work digitally.

So, how can our customers communicate the benefits of digital adoption?

For newcomers to CDEs, Bricsys 24/7 offers a gateway to simplifying project administration through automation, particularly automated document approvals. Construction professionals know they lose time and money and create rework when the right people don’t have the correct information at the right time. By accessing a single source of truth like a CDE, firms can negate the effects of inefficient document management by ensuring that everyone is looking at the latest version. However, there can still be apprehension about changing from e-mail and paper to a CDE, and it can be a significant leap for those ingrained in conventional methods. Effectively communicating the compelling advantages of digital document management, including substantial time and cost savings, will demonstrate the clear benefits and highlight why this transition is essential.

Change Management


Transitioning to a CDE like Bricsys 24/7 promises a single source of truth. It ensures all project stakeholders can access the latest document versions, avoiding costly delays and errors. To successfully transition, consulting change management best practices will set you on the right path. Three areas to pay attention to are:

The People

Cultivating the right culture to adopt change starts by creating a plan and effectively communicating it. Take the time to learn about the people the transition will affect. What are their goals, needs, challenges and concerns? Do they have any learning preferences? Understanding these issues will help create a practical plan.

Find change champions—the people who can help make the change work positively for everyone. Give everyone the opportunity to make digital transformation an opportunity for their personal growth, whether that be for communication—making it relevant for their peers, training others, gaining new skills, aiding their personal development, or gaining leadership experience.

The Process

A team’s process must be the right fit for them and considered from the start. The end goal is to optimize processes without burdening the team with unnecessary procedures. Audit and review data and processes to understand what data you need to manage and use and if current processes are helping or hindering the team in meeting their goals.

The Tools

Many tools are on the market, and adopting new software without the right support for people and communication won’t work. A key element in successful digital transformation is selecting tools that complement the team’s needs.

User-centered approach

A user-centered approach facilitates smoother transitions and unlocks personal growth opportunities for team members, enhancing their engagement and productivity. Focus on the people transitioning from paper to digital document management systems. When you have a plan in place, communicate clearly, early, and often with each group. Let them know how the change will happen, what supports will be available, the new opportunities this transition opens, and the new possibilities for what their team of business can offer. Collect feedback, plan to start small, and prepare to learn as you go. Incorporate these learnings into the next phase as you set up your CDE.

Getting started with Bricsys 24/7®


Learning about a new tool before you begin using it will assist you throughout the adoption process and offer insights into how you can maximize its benefits for your construction projects. For those yet to explore Bricsys 24/7 or if you’re considering it as your CDE, the Bricsys Learning platform offers free online training courses. This is an excellent resource for understanding how Bricsys 24/7 works and how to make it work for you!

If you're curious about Bricsys 24/7, request a free demo from the team and see how you can transform your documentation management.

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