Have you ever imported a drawing only to find that the arrays have exploded? If exploding arrays are a recurring issue for you, then you need the ARRAYDETECT command!

What is the ARRAYDETECT command?

ARRAYDETECT converts entities in uniform, rectangular patterns into arrays, even if the patterns are incomplete.


After some research, we discovered that our users weren’t aware that the ARRAYDETECT feature was available since it used to be part of the BLOCKIFY command. So, we decided to bring ARRAYDETECT to the forefront, giving it its own, dedicated command!

How to use the ARRAYDETECT command

If you want to test out the new ARRAYDETECT command, there are 2 ways you can go about it.

Option 1: Single sets of entities

  • Open a drawing with exploded rectangular arrays or with entities that have been copied at uniform, rectangular intervals
  • Select area for BricsCAD® to search for arrays, press Enter
  • Choose the “Autodetect single entity arrays” option
  • In the command panel, pick the arrays you want to convert
  • Click “Convert # patterns”

Option 2: Collections of entities

  • Open a drawing with exploded arrays or with entities that have been copied at uniform, rectangular intervals
  • Select area for BricsCAD® to search for arrays, press Enter
  • Choose the “select source Entities” option
  • Select a set of entities that represent one copy of the array, press Enter
  • In the command panel, click “Convert 1 pattern”

We have also created a YouTube tutorial explaining how to use ARRAYDETECT, just for you!

![arraydetect command.jpg](//images.ctfassets.net/26961o1141cc/2Mk0F4l1HczQZEvhUXcg3O/4a1742ccc224571d401b4dc596bd4162/arraydetect_command.jpg)

Have you tried out the ARRAYDETECT feature and have any ideas or suggestions?

Fantastic! We love to hear your thoughts on BricsCAD® – whether good or bad, all feedback is always welcome. The best way to let us know what you think about BricsCAD or features like ARRAYDETECT is to send us a support request and our support team will be happy to help.

What else is new in V23?

If you’re curious about what else is new in V23, check out our YouTube channel where you can learn more about BricsCAD’s features and commands, or take a peek at the rest of the Bricsys blog.